A single license entitles Buyer to permanently use the purchased version of
The Clubhouse Database at a single Clubhouse or facility. The license is not
transferable to a second Clubhouse or facility, even if the product is no
longer utilized at the first or purchasing facility. Within the licensed
facility, The Clubhouse Database may be installed on unlimited workstations
and may be utilized (to the extent feasible) by an unlimited number of users.
The Clubhouse Database may be housed on a server that is remote from the
licensed facility, and it may be accessed remotely from additional locations,
provided that all use is for the sole benefit of the licensed facility.
Continuous subscription to Appilistic's Maintenance and Support Agreement
entitles the buyer to receive periodic upgrades to The Clubhouse Database.
If upgrades are received by the buyer as a result of such agreement, the
license transfers to the new version.
Purchase of a license does not entitle the buyer to copy, sell, reverse
engineer, or otherwise distribute The Clubhouse Database to additional
facilities. Appilistic retains the sole right of resale, even in cases where
the license holder has paid for custom development of the software.